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Welcome to SalmonKingdom

Our Kingdom have only one law


                    this is it

    Believe Angers you have 
       don't make anything


 We are the gods.  We are the one. 
 We are moved by electrons.
What did you say? Someone should be saying that. I was also thinking that there are no spiritual things and literary extrasensory perceptions don't exist.
But, I learned the hard way that is quantum theory. It's a kind of science.
Electron has consciousness
Humans made by molecule combination. The minimum substance of it is an atom. The distance between atoms is so big as we think on the atom scale. For example, let's think of a molecule of water. Water is made by hydrogens and Oxgens if the Oxygen atom is a solar system size, the distance between atom and atom is like the distance between the sun and over the pluto.
That sounds very hollow. It seems like we can pass through anything. Let's say we would have been able to pass through the door without opening it but, we can't.
I'm saying below about the reason why we can't pass through any substances.
This is all about what molecules are something like that.

Science says this theory. But I'm going to write my thought from here. I think there is a magnetic field. Even if it is a hollow substance through each other. I haven't found the literature or the articles that my opinion kind of things is written.
Atom has a positive charge. Positive and positive repel each other. So, each substance can't pass through.
and you might know electron has a negative charge. It turns around the atom. But in the latest research electron is a wave. So, It seems like It exists around the atom.
how come it can be around the atom. the electron has a negative charge. That is why the electron is possible into atom territory. It is like that. Electrons can move everywhere. Our consciousness also moves everywhere even farther outer space. It is the same. That is the way that an electron has consciousness.
Our consciousness is no limit
        Because electrons are very small. 
         If we can see them in our eyes, those move in any direction.

Anger is included in jealousy and hate
Imagine a happy world that nothing anger, nothing quarrel, nothing fight, and nothing war.
Just do like that. Just believe that. Just imagine. The imagination appears to be reality. The more number and the stronger image, the more making it embodied. It was put into us who even has been learned by common education. We've learned about the standard of right and wrong, what money is, what government is, country, religion and etc.. by common education. The things you've learned is not as you've learned as it is.  We might have still believed things that acient people make. It's a kind of superstition. such things as if you have to do or if you don't do that it will be bad.  Actually, we can do anything even if we change our minds.
We are human, not animal
We are not animals we have a reason. We can feel our own consciousness. So we can figure out anything from when we think ''why?''. However, we've got any educations by authority. Even they will be unnecessary stuff. Because of imagination can make good things and also bad things.
We've become to belief what a god that we made. we can't see it in our eyes and we can't explain it with science. How can we believe the god that we just Imagine.
Point is we made gods. Animals might not think god exists. It's just in our Imagination

We can be god because we made god.

Happiness, sadness and funniness these feelings make good matters but anger. This feeling make only bad matters. Thing hating who those who have too much money and egoist. and not wanting to have relationship with those who is poor and fool. These are obsolescent thinking in the current world. Our electron will teach us about that.  
We go to where and from where
we go to one direction there is ultimate idea
because we have been growing since long time goal is only one that farthest of growing.
right things was left. to be left is right things after all .you must be we only direct to peace.
if so we hurry image peace world nothing angry.
We have been thinking
however we have been making our world hard to thought and sometime depend on religion depend on god and we made science at last.
then power of  science made Copernican theory even though we think only Geocentoric theory that what you see what you get.
same matter do again. this time is really without quarrel
our idea will change to next step  we don't think in common sence still now.
We are the one
We don't want to hurt ownself. Only mental person do like this. This is a disease influence by sick society.
We are one even our bodys and thoughts  are separated, but we all move for usself. When we noticed about any dangers on the earth we've coped with them so as to never repeat again. In a case we noticed that shortage of the oil and gas we've figured out what thing we can use instead of the oil. When we noticed that shortage of trees we 've saved papers to use and have figured out recycle system. We have been doing anything. Those things could be determinded without anger. If someone get angry,  it will affect someoneelse bad, that discrease the manhours.
To change an anger to a sadness makes a power of creativation. Don't worry. Don't be in a hurry.
If each one of us works for ourself, we can get more happy.
A feelings we have is a wave. If you feel so bad, everybody feel so bad.
Don't think It's possible to turn out with force
When you take a breath you don't have to think anything. If you mull over taking breath too much, you will be hyperventilation. 
Over thinking is bad. Take it easy. If It can't work, It can't work. Just only you might get tired. 
There is the other thoughts. Big size of capacity of intelligences can control majorities. An innovative discovery of probability is higher.  It's possible to figure out any ways that will happen in the future. It's genetic and originally. All mater is destined, even as though It seems our choices. We just are controled by our electrons. Once you can have the knowledge of the quantum system,  you should try to use the theory for your daily life.

Any ideas  are sudden coming like a bigbang

Nothing means nothing. But Our consciousness is born from nothing. 

Thinking can stop. When we think nothing, we can think nothing. For example, if you are ever thinking a hat It means the thinking is stoping. Because It doesn't change the way of thinking. You are ever only thinking a hat.

If you think only same thing and over thinking same thing, you might get tired. We don't want to be tired. In fact, we want to think the other things. After that. we can get solution necesarily. There is a case of getting an answer required. 

Impossible matter is impossibe happening. It's better let control alone. If do against its will, the outcome is hard. You don't have to do that. It's unnecessary stuff. Even if you are eager to do that, someone else can do easily. 

If you like to do that, you should carry on. But, if you feel impossible or you feel be bored, you better quit it. If you think you are better, you should carry on.

Your idea is born by another electron's wave moveing like a big bang. Imagine sudden come. When you know new things you get new power. Big bang also sudden happened.

your thinking is same as like big bang. because consciousness made by electron. I said that. We were on one. Space started from big bang.that time all particles on one.

all particles as atoms and electron have possitive charge and negative same charges are repel each other. wouldn't be on one.

that is big bang. each particles crushed.possitive charge and negative charge take on one substance was made. 

so that moving is human.we are also crush someone to make something new. So it can't help to war. But direction is peace.that image start from big bang. 

space is doesn't stop. on the contrary, spreading is speed up. Our particles distance is spread. So those will became to not crush each other due to spread.that is peace. 

Unbelievers are also part of this world

these are just my thinking.even if It wouldn't be truth it's not far. every scientists and students are reserch about relation consciousness and quantum.every people are surely directing this way even not able to believe before they know.

and  if i die and will be killed by others who think unfavouable fact,my idea is right.when i die this fact will spread to all over the world.because  this is right things.

Just want to meet and talk

if you want to meet me and talk me you can do it all the time to feel free.

voice training,conversation,advice ask for live performance,give some work,I will do anything.

please contact me from contact page

and write that request for meet and i reply for you.

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